Ruspidge & Soudley Parish Council
Annual Parish Meeting

At Ruspidge Memorial Hall 7pm 14th May 2024

This is a PUBLIC MEETING and all residents of the Parish are invited


1. Acceptance of apologies for absence.

2. ELECTION OF THE CHAIRMAN. Nominate and second the candidate, for office of the Chairman.

3. DECLARATION OF OFFICE FORMS– Members to complete and sign Declaration of office forms, to be collected by the Clerk.

4. REGISTER OF INTERESTS FORMS– Members to complete and sign Register of Interest Forms, to be collected by the Clerk.

5. APPOINTMENTS OF THE COUNCIL. Vice Chairman of the Council. Hon Treasurer of the Council. Internal Auditor of the Council.

6. APPOINT REPRESENTATIVES OF THE COUNCIL. Ruspidge Memorial Hall, Soudley Village Hall, Parish planning considerations & site inspection panel, Parish Snow Wardens, Parish Highways, Wreath laying on Remembrance Day at Cinderford & Soudley.

7. Acceptance of the Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on the 9th of May, 2023.

8. To receive the Report of the Chair of the Council.

9. The Financial Report year ending 31st March, 2024.

To consider any other matter for the benefit of the Parish.

Notice Date: 20/03/2024